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How to get an annual non-live entertainment license
You can get a new license, make a renewal, or change an existing license.
Review the regulations
You must get a license for certain events. You'll need to apply for a license if:
- You have a Common Victualler or Alcohol license and are hosting a public event.
- You're hosting a public event and you plan to charge an admission fee.
- You're hosting a free public event, but patrons need to pay for certain activities with coins, like an arcade.
Public events are considered “non-live” if they have any of the following types of entertainment:
- radios, audio devices (like an iPod), or jukeboxes
- TVs or monitors less than 27 inches and used for entertainment
- widescreen TVs bigger than 27 inches, or
- dart boards, ping pong tables, or any other type of non-live entertainment.
You can get more detailed information about regulations from this City booklet. Before you apply, you also need to make sure to pay any outstanding bills with the City.
Get your documents together
Print and complete the application for a non-live entertainment. You’ll also need to include the following documents:
- an Inspection Certificate
- a Place of Assembly Permit if your location can fit more than 50 people
- a Business Certificate (which is also known as a d/b/a certificate)
- your current Alcohol license or Common Victualler License, and
- articles of Organization of the Corporation.
You'll need to file a different application for coin-controlled automatic amusement devices (like arcade games). We may also ask you for additional documents after we process your application.
The application fee depends on the size and type of event you’re holding. To get an idea of what it costs to apply, you can view a list of common fees. We take certified checks, money orders, or credit or debit cards.
Give us your application
Email the application and supporting documents to
Wait for our response
We will let you know about your application in three to four weeks.
Before you get started
If you have an annual non-live entertainment license and want to make a change to it, you need to file an amendment. Changes to a license include:
- an increase in capacity*
- a change in the type of entertainment
- the adding or removal of entertainment
- a change of manager*
- a change of your corporate name or officers*
- a change in hours or in your business name, or*
- other changes that affect your license.*
Please note: If your business has a new owner, you will need to file a new application. Entertainment licenses are non-transferrable.
*The Licensing Board must approve your amendments. These changes also need to be amended on your Common Victualler or Alcohol Beverage license before your Entertainment License amendments may be approved.
Get your documents together
Print out and complete the general application to amend your license. Make sure to give us a description of the change and the reason for it.
There are also some more forms you need to fill out if they apply to your situation:
- If the manager of your business has changed, you need to complete the Change of Manager form. You also need to include a current copy of your Alcohol or Common Victualler license. You may be subject to a hearing for this type of change.
- If the corporate officers of your business have changed, please complete the Change of Corporate Officers form.
- If the name of your business has changed, you need to complete the Change of Name or D/B/A form. You will need to include your updated Business Certificate.
To change your license, the application fee is $35 per change. If you are changing the entertainment categories or capacity, you may be subject to additional fees. We take certified checks, business checks, money orders, credit cards, or debit cards.
Give us your application
Email your completed application and documents to
Wait for our response
We will let you know about your application in three to four weeks. We may also schedule a hearing with you after getting your application.
The fee for a hearing is $100, and you need to pay it before the date of the hearing.
Keep in mind
- Entertainment licenses are non-transferrable. If you are a new owner, you will need to apply for a new annual non-live or live entertainment license.
- Entertainment fees are subject to change.
- Renewals occur in November. Licensees will be mailed renewal documents which should then be completed and submitted online.
Entertainment Licensing
1 City Hall Square, Room 809
Boston, MA 02201
Event safety
Learn the safety guidelines for entertainment events. We've also created a safety checklist.