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Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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South End Landmark District Commission

The South End Landmark District Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 5:30 p.m.

Please use the Congress Street entrance to enter and exit City Hall after 5:30 p.m.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. Design Review Hearing

    APP # 20.468 SE          1313 Washington Street. Proposed Work: At the Waltham Street façade, replace service garage door

    APP # 20.694 SE          505 Tremont Street. Proposed Work: At the Tremont Street storefront, install one (1) additional sign. Moved to Administrative Review

    APP # 20.611 SE            198 West Springfield Street (Continued from 12/03/2019 SELDC Public Hearing). Proposed Work: Modify a roof deck to comply with SELDC Standards and Guidelines.

    APP # 20.662 SE          23 Upton Street. Proposed Work: Construct a head house and roof deck. See additional items under Administrative Review. Withdrawn by staff.

    APP #20.738 SE           289 Shawmut Avenue. Proposed Work: At the garden level, remove a security gate and install a door.

    APP # 20.739 SE          87 Worcester Street. Proposed Work: At the front façade parlor level replace two (2) original two-over-two, curved sash windows. Withdrawn by staff.

    APP # 20.737 SE          437 Shawmut Avenue. Proposed Work: At the rear façade roof level, construct a shed dormer.

    APP # 20.690 SE          37 East Springfield Street. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck.

    APP # 20.726 SE          5 Rutland Square. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck.

    APP # 20.736 SE          150 West Canton Street. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck. See additional items under Administrative Review.

    APP # 20.473 SE          64 West Rutland Square. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck; construct an addition at the rear mansard; and construct a rear addition. See additional items under Administrative Review.  Withdrawn by staff

    APP # 20.744 SE          25 Claremont Park. Proposed Work: Construct a penthouse and roof deck and modify the cornice line at the rear. See additional items under Administrative Review.

    APP # 20.745 SE          116 Chandler Street. Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck, rear decks, and rear yard addition; modify rear fire escapes; replace two (2) existing windows at the rear façade with aluminum doors; and construct a fence at rear yard. See additional items under Administrative Review.

    APP # 20.436 SE         85 West Newton Street (Continued from 11/05/2019, 12/03/2019, and 12/17/2019 Public Hearings). Proposed Work: Demolish the existing former church and parish house (Villa Victoria Center for the Arts/ IBA Preschool) Withdrawn by staff

  2. Administrative Review/ Approval

    APP # 20.745 SE          116 Chandler Street: At the front facade second, third, and mansard levels replace ten (10) existing windows with two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows; replace nine (9) existing windows at the rear façade with two-over-two, double-hung, aluminum-clad windows; refinish entry doors; repair and repoint brick joints as required; repair and restore brownstone lintels, sills, and stoop as required. See additional items under Design Review.

    APP # 20.744 SE          25 Claremont Park: Replace fourteen (14) existing windows at the front facade with two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows; repair and repoint brick joints at the front façade as required; repair and restore brownstone lintels, sills, and stoop as required. See additional items under Design Review.

    APP # 20.742 SE          46 Dartmouth Street: At the third and mansard levels of the front façade, replace six (6) one-over-one, double-hung, aluminum windows with two (2) two-over-two and four (4) one-over-one, double-hung, aluminum-clad windows; at the mansard level, replace wood dormer trim in kind.

    APP # 20.746 SE          600 Harrison Avenue: At the Harrison Avenue and Wareham Street storefront, re-clad a previously-approved banner sign and install a new panel sign at a previously-approved location; install new vinyl logos and band to storefront windows in keeping with previous approvals.

    APP # 20.758 SE          532 Massachusetts Avenue: At the front façade parlor second level (above the parlor) repair two (2) historic curved-sash windows; at the front façade second level replace one (1) one-over-one wood window in kind; at the rear façade (which faces a public street) replace three (3) one (1) one-over-one window with a two-over-two wood window and two (2) two-over-two wood windows in kind.

    APP # 20.694 SE          505 Tremont Street: At the Tremont Street storefront, re-cover two (2) existing retractable awnings; install pin-mounted letters to existing backing at two windows; and install temporary signage at the window. See additional items under Design Review.

    APP # 20.662 SE          23 Upton Street: At the parlor and second levels of the front façade, restore six (6) original two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows (including four (4) curved sash windows); at the basement level replace two (2) two-over-two, double-hung, curved sashed wood windows in kind; at the third level replace three (3) one-over-one, double-hung wood windows with two-over-two, double-hung wood windows; at the mansard level replace two (2) two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows and two (2) one-over-one, double-hung wood windows in kind. See additional items under Design Review. Withdrawn by staff

    APP # 20.736 SE          150 West Canton Street: At the front façade mansard level, replace two (2) two-over-two and two (2) one-over-one, double-hung, wood windows in kind; and replace damaged wood at eaves and trim in kind. See additional items under Design Review.

    APP # 20.743 SE          64 West Rutland Square: At the front façade basement, parlor, second, and third levels, restore all existing two-over-two, double-hung, wood windows (including eight (8) curved sash); At the front façade mansard level, install one (1) two-over-two and two (2) one-over-one, double-hung, wood windows; at the front façade, repoint brick joints, and restore brownstone sills and lintels, stoop; and refinish entry doors. See additional items under Design Review. Withdrawn by staff

  3. Ratification of Minutes

    12/3/2019 Public Hearing Minutes; 11/14/2019 Public Meeting Minutes; 12/12/2019 Public Meeting Minutes; 12/17/2019 Public Hearing Minutes; 1/7/2020 Public Hearing Minutes; 1/8/2020 Public Meeting Minutes; 1/14/2020 Public Meeting Minutes; and 1/21/2020 Public Meeting Minutes

  4. Staff Updates
  5. Adjournment
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