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Boston Landmarks Commission

The commission will hold its monthly design review public hearing virtually on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at 4 p.m.

This public hearing will be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate by going to our ZOOM meeting link or calling 301-715-8592 and entering id 955 8211 8901 #. You can also submit written comments or questions to or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks.

Public testimony begins at

Discussion Topics

  1. Design Review - 4 p.m.

    20.960.73 THEODORE PARKER CHURCH – 1859 CENTRE STREET, WEST ROXBURY: Install 48 solar panels at roof of Parish Hall.

    20.968.26 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, LANGHAM HOTEL – 250 FRANKLIN STREET: At Pearl Street elevation install four new handrails at existing entry steps, and at the Oliver Street elevation create an opening in the masonry wall and install a louver.

    20.801.134 RICHARD BOND HOUSE – 88 LAMBERT AVENUE (Continued from 2-25-2020): Demolish two storage sheds and later addition to house, and construct two blocks of rowhouses, each containing four units.

  2. Administrative Review/Approval

    20.948.02 ARMORY OF 1st CORPS CADETS – 101 ARLINGTON STREET: At east elevation replace four double-hung wood windows in-kind.

    20.911 AB 185-189 CHESTNUT HILL AVENUE: Replace EPDM roof in-kind; at front façade repair porticos; and at rear elevation remove and re-pour concrete pad and replace deteriorated window headers in-kind.

    20.974 BV 1 MELROSE STREET: At front façade replace three second-story one-over-one wood windows with six-over-six vinyl-clad windows; and at side elevation replace one six-over-six wood window with a six-over-six vinyl-clad window.

    20.918 BV 33 MELROSE STREET: At front façade replace eight six-over-six wood windows in-kind and two one-over-one wood windows in-kind.

    20.902 BV 31 WINCHESTER STREET: At front façade replace three six-over-six wood windows with six-over-six aluminum-clad windows, and at side elevation replace one four-over-four wood window with a four-over-four aluminum-clad window.

    20.909 SE 11 BRADFORD STREET: At the front façade basement through second levels, replace seven (7) one-over-one aluminum-clad windows with two-over-two aluminum-clad windows.

    20.749 SE 26 CHANDLER STREET: At the Chandler Street ground level, replace commercial recessed entry doors with new single door and sidelights. 

    20.871 SE 70 CHANDLER STREET: Repoint brick joints throughout the front and rear façade (which faces a public street) with a soft mortar mix to match historic mortar.

    20.862 SE 9 CUMSTON STREET: At the Cumston Place elevation rebuild gable chimney in kind and replace flashing and cap.

    20.858 SE 69-71 DARTMOUTH STREET: At the roof rebuild chimney in kind utilizing existing brick and new brick to match historic, and replace flue liners.

    20.900 SE 22 EAST SPRINGFIELD STREET: At the front façade parlor level, replace one (1) two-over-two and two (2) one-over-one wood windows in kind.

    20.878 SE 52 EAST SPRINGFIELD STREET: Resurface brownstone stoop treads with new mortar tinted to match the color of brownstone.

    20.917 SE 60 RUTLAND STREET: Repair wood double leaf front doors.       

    20.910 SE 416 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE: At the front façade stoop, patch and restore brownstone stoop with mortar tinted to match the color of brownstone

    20.887 SE 219-225 SHAWMUT AVENUE: At the front façade mansard levels, replace wood trim in kind.

    20.892 SE 81 WALTHAM STREET: Replace select area of asphalt roof shingles in-kind.

    20.879 SE 22 WORCESTER SQUARE: At the front façade stoop, chip back deteriorated brownstone and install new brownstone-tinted treads

    20.919 SE 25 WORCESTER STREET: At the front façade stoop, remove silicon caulking and repoint granite joints.

    20.858 SE 144 WORCESTER STREET: At the front façade, repoint selective areas with new mortar to match historic mortar. 

  3. Business Hearing - 6 p.m.

    Discussion and vote on design review applications.

    Advisory Review - King Memorial, Boston Common

    Demolition Delay Hearing - 4 Payne Street

    Demolition Delay Hearing - 6 Burton Avenue

    Discussion and vote on 2020 Work Plan

    Review and ratification of public hearing minutes from 3/10/2020 and 3/24/2020


  4. Projected Adjournment - 8:30 p.m.
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