City Council Roll Call Votes - Beta
We have current and historical information related to City Council roll call votes. You also have the option to search by the description of the docket, or by the docket number.
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The AI-generated summary titles featured on this page represent our first public use of generative AI on Using Google’s large language model, Gemini 1.5 Pro, we have used docket information to generate titles for the past 16 years of City Council roll call votes. Though still experimental, we hope the summary titles located in the section below will help people quickly review and understand key historical votes by the Boston City Council.
On this page, you can view more than 1,100 AI-generated titles, but please remember, there may be errors! While we think the summary titles are ready for an experimental release, there will always be room for improvement. Over the next few months, we will continue to improve the the accuracy of the titles, potentially by editing our prompts or using different AI models (such as Claude or ChatGPT 4.0).
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Roll Call votes
On the message and order, referred on July 19, 2023 Docket #1195, authorizing the City of Boston to appropriate the amount of Nineteen Million Six Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($19,610,000.00) for the purpose of paying costs for constructing, equipping, and furnishing a new building for the William E. Carter School at 396 Northampton Street in the City of Boston, the committee submitted a report recommending the order ought to be read once and passed; yeas 12. Assigned for further action.
Councilors Flynn, Arroyo, Breadon, Coletta, Flaherty, Lara, Louijeune, Mejia, Murphy and Worrell offered the following: Resolution to improve safety along Department of Conservation and Recreation Parkways in the Fenway. On motion of Councilor Flynn, the rules were suspended; the resolution was adopted; yeas 10, present 1.
Message and order for your approval a supplemental Order for the Boston Police Department for FY24 in the amount of One Hundred Seventy Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Dollars ($170,390.00) to cover the FY24 cost of items contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the City of Boston and the Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society, Forensics Group. The terms of the contacts are October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2023. The major provisions of the contract include base wage increases of 2%, 1.5% and 2%, to be given in January of each fiscal year of the contract term. The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 11.
Message and order for your approval, an order to reduce the FY24 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by One Hundred Seventy Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Dollars ($170,390.00) to provide funding for the Public Health Commission for the FY24 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the City of Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society, Forensics Group. Filed in the Office of the City Clerk, July 17, 2023. The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 11.
Message and order for your approval a supplemental Order for the Public Health Commission for FY24 in the amount of Four Hundred Two Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($402,150.00) to cover the FY24 cost items contained within the collective bargaining agreement between the Public Health Commission and the SEIU Local 888, Programs Unit. The terms of the contract are October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2023. The major provisions of the contract include base wage increases of 2% in January 2021, 1.5% in January 2022 and January 2023. The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 11.
Message and order for your approval, an order to reduce the FY23 appropriation for the Reserve for Collective Bargaining by Four Hundred Two Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($402,150.00) to provide funding for the Public Health Commission for the FY24 increases contained within the collective bargaining agreements between the Public Health Commission and the SEIU Local 888, Programs Unit. Filed in the Office of the City Clerk, July 17, 2023. The rules were suspended; the order was passed; yeas 11.
Motion on the floor Councilor Lara moved to Amend City Council Rule #4. Councilor Arroyo Second the Motion. Rule #4 Amended Version: Text added: and assignment of matters to committee The presiding officer may speak to points of order in preference to other members, and shall decide all questions of order, and assignment of matters to committee, subject to an appeal from the decision of the chair, but no appeal shall be considered unless properly seconded. No other business except a motion to adjourn or to lie on the table shall be in order until the question on appeal has been decided. The question shall be put as follows: "Shall the decision of the chair stand as the judgment of the council? A vote to appeal shall require a majority of those present and be taken by roll call. On motion of Councilor Lara, the Motion was passed; yeas 8, nays 4 (Baker, Flaherty, Flynn, Murphy)
Councilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0768, referred on April 12, 2023 Docket #0768, authorizing an appropriation in the amount of Three Hundred Twenty Eight Million One Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($328,160,000.00) for various capital improvement purposes for the Boston Public Schools, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the order was read a second time and again passed; yeas 12.
Councilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0767, referred on April 12, 2023 Docket #0767, for an appropriation in the amount of Six Hundred Fifty Seven Million One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($657,110,000.00) for various capital improvement purposes for city departments including the Boston Center for Youth and Families, Department of Innovation and Technology, the Environment, Fire, Parks and Recreation, Police, Property Management, Public Works, and Transportation departments, Mayor's Office of Housing, Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, Boston Public Library, Boston Housing Authority, Boston Planning and Development Agency, and the Boston Public Health Commission, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the order was read a second time and again passed; yeas 12.
Councilor Fernandes Anderson called Docket #0764, referred on April 12, 2023 Docket #0764, authorizing the City of Boston to enter into one or more leases, lease purchase or installment sales agreements in Fiscal Year 2024 in an amount not to exceed Thirty Nine Million Dollars ($39,000,000.00). These funds are to be used by various City departments for the acquisition of equipment in furtherance of their respective governmental functions. The list of equipment includes: computer equipment (hardware and software), motor vehicles and trailers, ambulances, firefighting equipment, office equipment, telecommunications equipment, photocopying equipment, medical equipment, school and educational equipment, school buses, parking meters, street lighting installation, traffic signal equipment and equipment functionally related to, and components of the foregoing, from the Committee on Ways and Means. Hearing no objection, the matter was before the body. On motion of Councilor Fernandes Anderson, the order was read a second time and again passed; yeas 12.