A Call to End Modern-Day Slavery
This week, the Council adopted a resolution declaring last month, January 2025, as National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. This observance, first declared by President Barack Obama in 2010, aims to raise awareness about human trafficking, commonly referred to as modern-day slavery. Human trafficking includes forced labor and sex trafficking, as well as other forms of exploitation such as involuntary servitude, peonage, and debt bondage.
Despite the significant efforts of law enforcement and advocacy organizations, human trafficking remains a pervasive issue due to limited public awareness, underreporting, and challenges posed by technology and instability caused by natural disasters and conflicts.
In Boston, the City’s Collaborative Efforts Against Sexual Exploitation (CEASE) works diligently to prevent and address commercial sexual exploitation and human trafficking, offering support to survivors and educating the public about the signs and prevention of trafficking.
The Council recognizes the importance of raising awareness, supporting anti-trafficking organizations, and strengthening local efforts to combat human trafficking. The Council honors survivors and renews their commitment to the collective work needed to end this crime.