ASQ Training For FCC Educators
The Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) Training For Family Child Care (FCC) Educators Program provides FCC educators with the skill and knowledge to ensure every child takes part in developmental screening.
The Office of Early Childhood is committed to high-quality early education and care for all infants, toddlers, and children under five. Having children take part in developmental screening as early as possible is a key strategy to ensure all children are connected to the resources needed to learn and thrive.
This grant application is open to any FCC Educator that meets the following criteria:
- is an EEC-licensed FCC Educator, and
- operates in the City of Boston.
The ASQ Training For FCC Educators program will provide FCC Educators with the skill and knowledge to conduct developmental screening for children. Selected applicants will receive training, individual coaching sessions, and screening support.
This program consists of three training sessions in addition to small group meetings and individual coaching in between training sessions. FCC Educators will receive the following:
- Training, ASQ materials, small group and one-on-one coaching on supporting families in completing the Ages and Stages Questionnaire screening tool and the Ages and Stages Social Emotional Questionnaire (ASQ and ASQ:SE)
- Coaching on how to talk with parents about child development, expressing concerns, and connecting them to referrals and resources
- Access to workshops on curriculum planning to address developmental delays
- Access to a “bank” of curriculum resources
- The opportunity to meet with peers and an ASQ expert in the community of practice meetings