Physical Health and Wellness
This division focuses on prevention and management of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer through a focus on healthy eating, active living, early detection screening, and addressing social determinants of health.
What we do
BPHC has several programs to promote and protect the physical health of Boston residents.
Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
This division focuses on cancer and chronic disease management with healthy eating and active living. The program and policies acknowledge that environment and inequities affect overall health and wellness for Boston residents.
Infectious Disease Bureau
This bureau focuses on reducing impact and preventing death associated with infectious disease. Their work includes disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, funding HIV/AIDS-related education and care, operating a tuberculosis clinic, and educating about communicable diseases.
Injury Prevention Program
This program focuses on preventing unintentional injuries. We focus on reduction through education, resources, and legislation. We offer behavioral strategies workshops and access to prevention resources to keep neighborhoods safe and injury free.
Office of Oral Health
This office provides Boston residents with reliable oral health information, program support, training, education, and resources in multiple languages. The office focuses on promoting oral health and closing the gaps in service for all residents.
Our Programs
Chronic Disease Prevention
Learn more about the diseases that the Chronic Disease Control and Prevention Division works on throughout Boston communities.
Brain Health
Learn about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, tips to keep your brain healthy, and resources for caregivers in Boston.
Sexual Health
Sexual health is a critical part of health and wellbeing.
Oral Health
Daily care and regular dental check-ups are important for maintaining healthy teeth and good overall health.