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City Council meeting

The City Council is holding a meeting on January 29 at 12 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public. You can also watch meetings on Comcast channel 8, RCN channel 82, Verizon channel 1964, and online at


The schedule for meetings is subject to change at the call of the City Council president.

Discussion Topics


    0246    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to submit to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) Statement of Interest for the Accelerated Repair Program for the following schools: Samuel Adams Elementary, Boston Day and Evening Academy, Curtis Guild Elementary, Nathan Hale Elementary, Dr. William W. Henderson Inclusion (Upper School), Rafael Hernandez K-8, Lewis/Henderson K-8, Patrick Kennedy Elementary, William H. Ohrenberger K-8, James Otis Elementary and the John Winthrop Elementary.

    0247    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars ($406,299.00) in the form of a grant awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, pursuant to the federal Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The purpose of the grant is to fund the preliminary and final design of Boylston Street between Ipswich Street and Brookline Avenue in Boston.

    0248    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in the form of a grant for the FY20 Traffic Enforcement Program, awarded by the United States Department of Transportation, passed through the MA Executive Office of Public Safety & Security, to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund high-visibility traffic enforcement of motor vehicle laws, including but not limited to, speeding and aggressive driving, impaired driving and occupant protection.

    0249    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) in the form of a grant for a charitable donation, awarded by the Frank R. and Elizabeth Simoni Foundation Inc. to be administered by the Police Department. The grant will fund initiatives to support health and wellness among the members of the Boston Police Department and also support for families of fallen or injured officers.

    0250    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept a donation from Herb Chambers Dealership Boston of a 2019 Ford passenger van. The vehicle will be utilized to transport youth and seniors to various City of Boston and Boston Police Department sponsored events.

    0251    Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Konstantinos Ligris as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring March 1, 2022.

    0252    Message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Kerry Walsh as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring November 1, 2022.

    0253    Message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Eric Robinson as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring July 1, 2021.



    0254    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Manar Swaby as a Trustee of the Make Boston Shine Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0255    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Kaira Fox as a Trustee of the Make Boston Shine Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0256    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Jerome Smith as a Trustee of the Make Boston Shine Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0257    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Inez Foster as a Trustee of the Make Boston Shine Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0258    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Jacob Wessel as a Trustee of the Make Boston Shine Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0259    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Emme Handy as a Trustee of the Boston Common Maintenance Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0260    Notice was received from the Mayor of the reappointment of Emme Handy as a Trustee of the Franklin Park Maintenance Trust Fund for a term expiring January 14, 2022.

    0261    Notice was received from the Mayor of the appointment of Kathryn Bennett as Administrator of the Boston Housing Authority effective January 6, 2020.

    0262    Communication was received from Brian P. Golden, Director of the Boston Planning and Development Agency regarding Proposed Minor Modification to the South Cove Urban Renewal Plan, Project No. Mass R-92, with respect to Parcel P-12C.

    0263    Communication was received from Brian P. Golden, Director of the Boston Planning and Development Agency regarding Proposed Minor Modification to the Government Center Urban Renewal Plan, Project No. Mass. R-35, with Respect to Parcel 6.

    0264    Notice was received from the Mayor of his absence from the City from 7:00 A.M. on Wednesday, January 22 until 5:00 P.M. on Friday, January 24, 2020.

    0265    Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of November 20, 2019.

    0266    Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of December 4, 2019.

    0267    Notice was received from the City Clerk in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Ordinances of 1979 re: action taken by the Mayor on papers acted upon by the City Council at its meeting of December 11, 2019.


    0268    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the Fiscal Year 2020 Boston Public Schools Transportation Budget.

    0269    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the work of the Boston Student Advisory Council and their policy agenda.

    0270    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the creation of the City Council Youth Council (CCYC).

    0271    Councilors Essaibi-George and Wu offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding an admissions policy and funding changes for Madison Park Technical Vocational High School and improving partnerships.

    0272    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the governance structure of the Boston School Committee.

    0273    Councilors Essaibi-George and O'Malley offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding BuildBPS.

    0274    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing to analyze the safety and security measures taken to protect school environments from threatening situations.

    0275    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the new BPS Strategic Plan.

    0276    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the implementation of policy requiring all Boston Public Schools to have a full-time mental health and social emotional support specialists.

    0277    Councilor Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding the current state of Inclusion Classrooms in BPS

    0278    Councilors Flynn and Flaherty offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss establishing a Traffic Master Plan for South Boston.

    0279    Councilors Flynn and Janey offered the following: Order for a Hearing to Discuss Security at High-Rise Garages in the City of Boston.

    0280    Councilors Flynn and Wu offered the following: Order for a Hearing to Discuss Ways to Promote a Complete and Accurate Count for the 2020 Census in the City of Boston.

    0281    Councilor Baker offered the following: Petition for a Special Law Re:  An Act Authorizing Additional Licenses for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages to be Drunk on the Premises in Boston.

    0282    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss the location of ambulance garages in the City of Boston.

    0283    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Order for a hearing to discuss which city, state, and quasi-public agencies are responsible for snow removal at certain public properties.

    0284    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Braille Literacy Month.

    0285    Councilors Edwards and Wu offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding Transportation Benefits.

    0286    Councilors Edwards and Essaibi-George offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding Parking Reform.

    0287    Councilor Edwards offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding energy distribution in East Boston and the location, need and safety of a proposed substation in the Eagle Hill neighborhood.

    0288    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding recycling, composting, and reducing trash in the City of Boston.

    0289    Councilor Janey offered the following: Order that the rules of the Boston City Council be adopted for the Municipal Years 2020-2021.



    0290    Councilor Janey for Councilor Breadon offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Deborah Glennon in City Council.

    0291    Councilor Janey for Councilor Breadon offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Wayne D. Yeh and Anne Mazzola in City Council.



    Legislative Calendar for January 29, 2020.


    0292    Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Resolution congratulating Mary Walsh.

    0293    Councilor Baker offered the following: Resolution congratulating Jacquelyn Mainey.

    0294    Councilor Baker offered the following: Resolution congratulating Diane Daly.

    0295    Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution congratulating Dellon A. Giles II.

    0296    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Grandmaster Pui Chan.

    0297    Councilor Edwards offered the following: Resolution in memory of Robert "Gugga" Flynn.

    0298    Councilor Breadon offered the following: Resolution in memory of Rachel Ann Taylor.

    0299    Councilors Essaibi-George, Flynn and Baker offered the following: Resolution in memory of Christopher J McGough.

    0300    Councilor Bok offered the following: Resolution in memory of Michael J. Lack.

    0301    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing John J. Donovan.

    0302    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Patrick C. Flaherty.

    0303    Councilor Janey offered the following: Resolution in memory of James Clark Sr.

    0304    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution in memory of Edward F. Mazza.

    0305    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Resolution in memory of Jeanette Baskous.

    0306    Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution congratulating Al Brasfield

    0307    Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution congratulating McArthur Brewington.

    0308    Councilor Campbell offered the following: Resolution congratulating Narrow Way Plumbing.

    0309    Councilors Flaherty and Campbell offered the following: Resolution recognizing January 27, 2020 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    0310    Councilors Flaherty and Flynn offered the following: Resolution in memory of William Shaughnessy.

    0311    Councilor Flaherty offered the following: Resolution recognizing January 27, 2020 as Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Boston.

    0312    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England 2020 Year of the Rat.

    0313    Councilors Flynn, Wu, Janey and Essaibi-George offered the following: Resolution recognizing Boston Chinatown Main Street 10th Annual Chinese New Year Flower Market.

    0314    Councilors Flynn, Essaibi-George, Wu and Janey offered the following: Resolution in memory of Mr. Sum Chuen Ho.

    0315    Councilors Flynn, Wu, Essaibi-George and Janey offered the following: Resolution recognizing Boston Chinatown Lion Club 2020 Year of the Rat.

    0316    Councilors Flynn, Wu, Essaibi-George and Janey offered the following: Resolution recognizing Project Able 2020 Year of the Rat.

    0317    Councilor Janey offered the following: Resolution recognizing Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries.

    0318    Councilor Bok offered the following: Resolution in memory of Adelaide Smoki Bacon.

    0319    Councilor Arroyo offered the following: Resolution recognizing Marcia Kimm-Jackson.


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