The BPS Annual Countdown to Kindergarten at the Children’s Museum!
On Tuesday, August 29, 2023, the Boston Children’s Museum was enveloped in a sea of yellow at the annual Countdown to Kindergarten Celebration. The Museum welcomed Boston Public Schools (BPS) families to celebrate their soon to be kindergartners wearing yellow “I’m going to Kindergarten” t-shirts. BPS Superintendent Mary Skipper, Senior Advisor for Early Childhood and Director of the Mayor’s Office of Early Childhood Kristin McSwain, and other departments were in attendance to meet and greet the families - including the Boston Saves team!
The goal of the Countdown to Kindergarten event is to get children excited for their first day of kindergarten and to ease any pre-kindergarten fears. Each new Kindergarten student received a FREE backpack from Cradles to Crayons filled with school supplies. Additionally, families were able to enjoy the Museum exhibits, explore a real school bus, and dance with a DJ.
Parents and guardians we also connected to relevant programs and resources for their little ones at the event. Boston Saves, the City of Boston’s children’s savings account program, was there to tell parents each K2 student will have a $50 college savings account from the City to start them on a pathway to academic success. Further information will be sent to families in November.
Countdown to Kindergarten is a partnership between the BPS, City of Boston, and many community organizations that work to provide a positive and supportive transition into BPS kindergarten (K0, K1 or K2) for students and their families. The initiative offers free parent-child playgroups, provides readiness tips and opportunities, and hosts workshops and other transition activities. To learn more, call 617-635-9288, visit their website at, or visit their Facebook page.