Clinical Quality Management
The Clinical Quality Management Program supports a service delivery system that provides the highest quality of care.
Mission and Vision
"The Clinical Quality Management Program (CQM) works with all subrecipients and other Ryan White stakeholders to continuously improve the care and health outcomes among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A) in the Boston EMA, particularly around consumer care, consumer satisfaction, and health outcomes.”
The CQM program will continuously strive to improve:
- consumer care
- health outcomes, and
- consumer satisfaction for PLWH/A throughout the Boston EMA equitably.
The CQM Program will do this by:
- using all available data to understand the needs in the service population
- presenting this data to stakeholders to steer QM/QI projects
- enhancing QM/QI competency among subrecipients, consumers, and the community, and
- facilitating QI activities with our subrecipients.