We encourage the public to weigh in during the City Council budget review process. Below are the options for sharing your thoughts on the record:
Choose how you want to participate
There are a few different ways that you can put your testimony on the record. You can:
- send an email
- record and submit a video, or
- participate in person or virtually via Zoom.
All formal testimony, written or spoken, that is provided in another language will be accepted and translated for the benefit of the City Council. Speakers testifying live are welcome to bring another person to translate their testimony in English in real time. You will be accorded extra time if you choose to do so. All speakers are welcome to testify in their preferred language, however, even if without interpretation. The City Council will ensure translation after the fact.
Send us an email
You can email public testimony on any aspect of the budget. Please include in your message the topic or department you want to discuss, along with your name and affiliation. Written testimony will be made a part of the hearing file and made available to all councilors.
Email the committee directly at ccc.wm@boston.gov or the Director of Legislative Budget Analysis, karishma.chouhan@boston.gov.
You can reach all City Councilors at city.council@boston.gov. You can also send your email to a specific councilor. You can find their contact information in their profiles.
Record and upload a video
Record a two-minute video of your testimony regarding any aspect of the budget. After you finish recording your video, complete our form to submit your video for an upcoming hearing:
- If your video is submitted more than two (2) business days in advance of the relevant departmental or public testimony hearing, it will be played then.
- If your video is submitted later, it will be played during the next dedicated public testimony hearing.
Or testify live
The public can also testify at budget review hearings in person or via Zoom. Public testimony will be taken at the end of each departmental hearing, and at dedicated public testimony hearings. Check the budget review schedule.
For in person hearings, if you would like to testify in person, please join us in the Iannella Chamber, Fifth Floor, Boston City Hall during the hearing where you'd like to testify. Sign up on the sheet near the chamber entrance when you arrive.
For in person and virtual hearings, if you would like to testify virtually, sign up in advance using the link below. After you have signed up, a liaison will be in touch to provide you with the hearing's Zoom link. Participants will be called in the order they signed up.
If testifying virtually, you will need to download Zoom in advance. Please make sure you are signed into Zoom with the full name you signed up with, so we can call on you appropriately. You will be granted access to your microphone when you are called to speak. Please keep your testimony to under two minutes.
Anyone looking to watch the hearing virtually, but not testify, should follow along on our livestream.
*Please note that for off-site hearings (in person hearings at locations outside of City Hall), we are not able to offer a live virtual testimony option, but you are welcome to join us in person at the location, submit written or video testimony, or join us at a subsequent public testimony hearing.
City Council
1 City Hall Square
Room 550Boston, MA 02201-2043
Please stay in touch
- You can view the City Council budget schedule online.
- We can also send you updates on weekly calendars, hearing notices, and meeting agendas. Email us your name at city.council@boston.gov.