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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Boston Water and Sewer Commission meeting

The Boston Water and Sewer Commission will hold a commission meeting on June 23 at 3 p.m.

Join Zoom Meeting

  • Dial by your location: +1-646-558-8656
  • One tap mobile: +16465588656,,88300297954#,,,,*985108# US (New York)
  • Meeting ID: 883 0029 7954
  • Passcode: 985108

Discussion Topics

  1. Call to Order

    Minutes of Meeting

    1. Minutes of the May 26, 2021 Meeting

  2. Informational Reports

    1. Disbursement Ratification (Schedules A, B & D)

    2. Preliminary Results of 2020 Disparity Study

  3. General Management Reports

    1. Capital Improvement Program Budget Variance Report

    2. Monthly Management Report

    3. Revenue and Expenses

  4. Proposals and Contracts


    1. Informational Report - Project Performance Tracking and Reporting

    2. Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 17-309-001, Sewerage, Drainage and Water Works Improvements in City Proper, Dorchester, Hyde Park, South Boston and West Roxbury.

    3. Commission Authorization to Advertise for Bids Contract No. 17-309-015, Rehabilitation of Large Diameter Sewer Pipes in City Proper and South  Boston

    4. Commission Authorization to Advertise for Bids Contract No. 18-308-001, Replacement and Rehabilitation of Water and Sewer Pipes in Back Bay/Beacon Hill and Fenway/Kenmore

    5. Commission Authorization to Award Contract No.18-308-003, for Water, Sewerage and Drainage Works Improvements in Dorchester.

    6. Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 19-309-002 for Water and Sewerage Works Improvement in East Boston - East Boston Sewer Separation Phase 3.

    7. Commission Authorization to Solicit Proposals to Implement a Citywide Sewer and Drain Monitoring System

  5. Administration

    1. Commission Authorization for Additional Funding, Contract 18-207-005-A – Design and Construction Oversight Services – Vehicle Wash Upgrade

  6. Operations
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