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City Council meeting

The City Council is holding a meeting on April 14 at 12 p.m.

All Council Meetings are held at 12 p.m. (noon) in the Christopher A. Iannella Chamber on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall, unless otherwise noted. All meetings are open to the public and are also available on Xfinity Channel 8, RCN 82, Fios 964, and livestream via City Council TV.

Please note: Due to COVID-19, meetings are currently being held remotely via Zoom.

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda


    Message and order for Annual Appropriation and Tax Order for FY2022.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order for Annual Appropriation for the School Department for FY2022.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order approving an appropriation of Forty Million Dollars ($40,000,000.00) to the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Liability Trust Fund established under Section 20 of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 32B.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order approving an appropriation of Eight Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,600,000.00) from the City’s Capital Grant Fund in order to provide funding for various transportation and public realm improvements. These projects are aligned with the goals of the Go Boston 2030, the City’s transportation master plan. The funds shall be credited to the Capital Grant fund from the Parking Meter Fund. 

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.



    Message and order approving an appropriation of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) from the City’s Capital Grant fund to address the impact of transportation network services on municipal roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure or any other public purpose substantially related to the operation of transportation network services in the city. Such funds will be transferred and credited to the Capital Grant Fund from revenue received from the Commonwealth Transportation Infrastructure Enhancement Trust Fund.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order approving an appropriation of Two Hundred Thirty-Seven Million Six Hundred Fifty-Four Thousand Dollars ($237,654,000.00) for the acquisition of interests in land or the acquisition of assets, or the landscaping, alteration, remediation, rehabilitation improvement of public land, the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, demolition, removal or extraordinary repairs of public buildings, facilities, assets, works or infrastructure; for the cost of feasibility studies or engineering or architectural services for plans and specifications; for the development, design, purchase and installation of computer hardware or software and computer-assisted integrated financial management and accounting systems; and any and all cost incidental or related to the above described projects; for the purposes of various city departments included Boston Center for Youth and Families, Department of Innovation and Technology, Environment, Fire, Neighborhood Development, Office of Arts and Culture, Parks and Recreation, Police, Property Management, Public Works, and Transportation Departments, Boston Public Library, Boston Redevelopment Authority, and Public Health Commission.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order approving an appropriation Fifty Million Four Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($50,438,000.00) for the acquisition of interests in land or the acquisition of assets, or the landscaping, alteration, remediation, rehabilitation, or improvement of public land, the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, improvement, alteration, remodeling, enlargement, demolition, removal or extraordinary repairs of public buildings, facilities, assets, works or infrastructure; for the cost of feasibility studies or engineering or architectural services for plans and specifications; for the development, design, purchase and installation of computer hardware or software and computer-assisted integrated financial management and accounting systems; and any and all cost incidental or related to the above described projects; for the purposes of the Boston Public Schools.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to enter into one or more leases, lease-purchase or installment sales agreements in Fiscal Year 2022 in an amount not to exceed Thirty-One Million Dollars ($31,000,000.00). These funds are to be used by various City departments for the acquisition of equipment in furtherance of their respective governmental functions. The list of equipment includes: computer equipment (hardware and software), motor vehicles and trailers, ambulances, firefighting equipment, office equipment, telecommunications equipment, photocopying equipment, medical equipment, school and educational equipment, school buses, parking meters, street lighting installation, traffic signal equipment and equipment functionally related to, and components of the foregoing.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to support the maintenance and repair for BPS facilities, including custodial and utility costs for extended building time, floor refinishing, landscaping and building repairs. Receipts from Lease, Permit for Use and Parking Fees for BPS facilities will be deposited in the fund. BPS will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall not exceed Two Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,200,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to repair and purchase Boston Public Schools computer technology, including computers, mobile devices, and instructional software. This revolving fund shall be credited with any and all receipts from equipment sales and repair fees for Boston Public School technology. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Public Schools revolving fund for the Fiscal Year 2022 for Boston Public School Transportation cost, including bus and public transportation costs. This revolving fund shall be credited with revenue received by Boston Public School Department for the provision of transportation to groups and entities for field trips and activities other than transportation to and from school. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Police Department revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to support the Canine Unit's training program for officers and police dogs from non-City of Boston law enforcement agencies. The Special Operating Division will charge tuition and other fees to outside law enforcement agencies for the Canine Unit. The tuition and other fees by outside agencies will be used to purchase training equipment, certify instructors, update facilities and provide funds for other training needs not otherwise budgeted. The Special Operations Division will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Police Department revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to pay salaries and benefits of employees and to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to operate the Police Department Fitness Center. Revenue for this fund is derived from monthly membership fees. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to pay salaries and benefits of employees and to purchase supplies and equipment necessary to operate the City Hall Child Care. This revolving fund shall be credited with any and all receipts from tuition paid by parents or guardians for children enrolled at the center. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed Eight Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($850,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Distributed Energy Resource Revolving Fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to facilitate the purchase of offsets of greenhouse gas emissions which shall be associated with a portion of the electricity consumed by the City annually; and to operate, maintain, monitor, and expand the City's existing solar arrays and Boston Public Schools' combined heat and power facilities. This revolving fund shall be credited with any and all receipts from the sale of renewable and alternative energy certificates and demand response program revenues produced by combined heat and power units located at Boston Public Schools sites, and solar renewable energy certificates produced by the City's photovoltaic arrays. Receipts and resulting expenditures from this fund shall not exceed One Hundred-Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Environment Conservation Commission revolving fund for the Fiscal Year 2022 for the purpose of securing outside consultants including engineers, wetlands scientist, wildlife biologists, or other experts in order to aid in the review of proposed projects to the Commission, per the city’s ordinance protecting local wetland and promoting climate change adaptation. The revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from fees imposed by the Commission for the purpose of securing outside consultants. The Environment Department will be the only department authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)


    Message and order authorizing the Law Department revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to purchase goods and services for repairs to city property. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from recoveries for damages to city property caused by third parties. The Law Department will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Two Hundred-Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to purchase goods and services to support public art to enhance the public realm throughout the City of Boston. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from easements within the public way granted by the Public Improvement Commission. The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to purchase goods and services to support the operation of the Strand Theatre. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from rental fees for the use of the Strand Theatre. The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing a limit for the Mayor's Office of Tourism revolving fund for Fiscal Year 2022 to purchase goods and services to support events and programming on and around City Hall Plaza to advance tourism and promote participation in public celebrations, civic, and cultural events. This revolving fund shall be funded by receipts from payments for the use of City Hall Plaza pursuant to City of Boston Code, Ordinance, 11-7.14. The Mayor's Office of Tourism will be the only unit authorized to expend from the fund and such expenditures shall be capped at Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00).


    Message and order authorizing the appropriations of One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,300,000.00) from the income of the George Francis Parkman Fund. The funds are to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation for the maintenance and improvement of Boston Common and Parks in existence since January 12, 1887.


    Message and order approving an appropriation of Four Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($4,400,000.00) from the 21st Century Fund, also known as the Public Educational, or Governmental (PEG) Access and Cable Related Fund, pursuant to Section 53F 3/4 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, to the PEG Access and Cable Related Grant for cable related purposes consistent with the franchise agreement between the cable operator and the city including but not limited to: (i) supporting public, educational or governmental access cable television services; (ii) monitoring compliance of cable operator with the franchise agreement; or (iii) preparation of renewal of the franchise license.


    Message and order approving an appropriation of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) from the City’s Boston Equity Fund to create a special revenue project grant in order to support equity applicants and licensees, as defined by the Equity program, and to established and operate a cannabis business in the City of Boston. The fund shall be credited to the special Revenue Grant Fund from the Boston Equity Fund established pursuant City of Boston Ordinances Chapter 8 Section 13: Establishing the Equitable Regulation of the Cannabis Industry in the City of Boston.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend reimbursements in the amount of up to Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000.00), from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for expenses related to the COID-19 event.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order approving an appropriation of One Million Twelve Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,012,400.00) for the administrative and operating expenses of the City of Boston Community Preservation Committee (“CPC”) for the Fiscal Year 2022, and a further appropriation order in the amount of Twenty-Eight Million Four Hundred Seventy-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-Four Hundred Dollars ($28,479,574.00) from the Community Preservation (“the Fund”) estimated annual revenues for Fiscal Year 2022, to be appropriated and reserved for future appropriation.

    Filed in the Office of the Clerk on April 12, 2021.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Million Fifty-One Thousand Nine Hundred Three Dollars ($2,051,903.00) in the form of a grant for the Boston Cultural Fund, awarded by the Boston Redevelopment Authority to be administered by the Office of Arts and Culture. The grant will fund cultural spaces, organizations, programs, artists, and activities in the South End, with the goal of preserving and enhancing cultural activity.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Eight Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand One Hundred Eighty Dollars ($1,832,180.00) in the form of a grant for the FY21 Title III-C Nutrition Service, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, passed through the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund home delivered meals and meals at congregate sites.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Four Hundred Fifty-Sixty Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars ($1,456,653.00) in the form of grant, for the FY2022 State Allocation, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, passed the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund Elder Lunch programs in Boston.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Fifty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Dollars ( $1,056,840.00) in the form of a grant for the FY21 Council on Aging, awarded by the MA Executive  Office of Elderly Affairs to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund the continued operation of the Commission’s Health and Housing units and related services.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Nine Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Two Dollars ($966,932.00) in the form of a grant for the FFY21 Title III-B Supportive Services, awarded by the U. S. Department of Human Services, passed through the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund a comprehensive and coordinated health and social service system, which assist elders to maintain independent living in their communities as long as desired.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Sixty-Eight Dollars ($400,068.00) in the form of a grant, for the FFY2021 Title III-A Area Plan Administration, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, passed through the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund administrative expenses of the Age Strong Commission as the Boston Area Agency on Aging.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Two Hundred Eighty-Six Thousand  Eight Hundred Sixty Dollars ($286,860.00) in the form of a grant for the FY21 Senior Companion Program, awarded by the Corporation for National and Community Service to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund reimbursement for travel and meals, plus stipends.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Seventy-Three Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-Nine Dollars ($173,589.00) in the form of a grant for the FY21 Long Term Care Ombudsman Services, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, passed through the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund activities to resolve resident complaints about elder abuse and neglect.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars ($137,753.00) in the form of a grant for the FY21 Retired Seniors Volunteer Program, awarded by the Corporation for National and Community Service to be administered by the Age Strong Commission. The grant will fund food and travel reimbursement for senior community service volunteers.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seventy-Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty-Four Dollars ($77,184.00) in the form of a grant, for the FY21 Title III-D Health Promotion grant, awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, passed through the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs, to be administered by Age Street Commission. The grant will fund health promotion and disease prevention programs for seniors in Boston.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston Conservation Commission to receive a property located at 108 Walter Street in the Roslindale neighborhood of Boston and identified by the City of Boston Assessing Department parcel identification number 2005195000 ( the  “Property”). The Property is currently in the care and custody of Boston Planning and Development Agency (the “BPDA”) and is located in the Roslindale Wetland urban wild and will be a valued addition to this natural neighborhood asset.



    Communication was received from Lawrence S. DiCara, Chairman of the Audit Committee, updating the City Council of their meetings held with independent auditors KPMG LLP for the year ending December 31, 2020.


    Communication was received from Council President Matt O'Malley calling for the election of Assistant City Clerk.



    The Committee on Strong Women, Families & Community, to which was referred on March 17, 2021 Docket #0436, message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in the form of a grant for CANshare FY2021, awarded by the Donor Group, to be administered by the Office of Food Access, submits a report recommending the order ought to pass.


    The Committee on Planning, Development & Transportation, to which was referred on January 27, 2021 Docket #0202, message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Matthew Blumenthal, as a member of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission for a term expiring on May 1, 2021, submits a report recommending the order ought to be confirmed.


    The Committee on Planning, Development & Transportation, to which was referred on March 10, 2021 Docket #0410, message and order for the confirmation of the appointment of Martha McNamara as a member of the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission for a term expiring on May 1, 2026, submits a report recommending the order ought to be confirmed.


    The Committee on Planning, Development & Transportation, to which was referred on March 10, 2021 Docket #0411, message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Pamela Beal as a member of the Back Bay West/Bay State Road Architectural Conservation Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2023, submits a report recommending the order ought to be confirmed.


    The Committee on Planning, Development & Transportation, to which was referred on March 10, 2021 Docket #0412, message and order for the confirmation of the reappointment of Terri North as an alternate member of the Back Bay West/Bay State Road Architectural Conservation Commission for a term expiring on June 30, 2023, submits a report recommending the order ought to be confirmed.



    Order for a hearing regarding summer learning opportunities and summer planning for the 2021-2022 school year for Boston Public Schools.


    Order for a hearing regarding inaccuracies in Analyze Boston's crime incident report datasets.


    Message and order to changing the date of the Preliminary Election for this Municipal Year from September 21, 2021 to September 14, 2021.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Seventeen Million Four Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty-Three Dollars ($17,421,783.00) in the form of a grant, for the Federal FY21 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), awarded by the United States Department to be administered by the Neighborhood Development. The grant will fund Community and Economic Development Programs.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Five Million Nine Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand One Hundred Forty-Two Dollars ($5,959,142.00)  in the form of a grant for the FY21 HOME Investment Partnerships, awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant will fund the creation of affordable housing units by non-profits and for-profit developers.



    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of Three Million Two Hundred Forty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($3,248,220.00) in the form of a grant, for the FY21 Housing for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Department of Neighborhood Development. The grant will fund rental assistance and services for Persons with HIV/AIDS.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to accept and expend the amount of One Million Four Hundred Eighty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Four Dollars ($1,487,124.00) in the form of a grant for the Federal FY21 Emergency Solutions Grants, awarded by the United States Department of Housing & Urban Development to be administered by the Neighborhood Development. The grant will fund housing stability and prevention of homelessness.


    Message and order authorizing the City of Boston to apply for, accept and expend for Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Continuum of Care grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount not to exceed Thirty-Eight Million Six Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Six Dollars ($38,685,686.00). These funds will be used to support programs that provide services and housing to the homeless.



    Councilor Arroyo offered the following: Petition for a Special Law re: An Act Providing Certain Retirement Benefits for the Widow of a Former Firefighter in the City of Boston.


    Councilor Arroyo offered the following: Resolution supporting bills asserting Puerto Rico's right to self-determination (H.R.2070 and S.865).


    Councilors Arroyo and Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing the 65th Infantry Regiment and the Puerto Rican Veteran's Monument Square Association Inc.


    Councilor Campbell offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding a local Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


    Councilors Baker and Campbell offered the following: Resolution designating a Memorial Hero Square at the intersection of Centre Street ad Adams Street in Dorchester in memory of Sgt. Wilson Francis Dalton.


    Councilor Edwards offered the following: Order for a hearing regarding Biannual Review of the Boston employment commission and Boston Residents Jobs Policy.


    Councilor Edwards offered the following: Resolution calling for Safer signature collection laws governing candidates seeking elected office.



    Councilor O'Malley for Councilor Bok offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Lauren Brody, Emily Brown, and Henry Santana in City Council.


    Councilor O'Malley offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employees Peter Favorito, Ana Fonseca, William MacGregor, Justin A. McClarey, and Jessica Morris in City Council.


    Councilor O'Malley for Councilor Mejia offered the following: Order for the appointment of temporary employee Cecily Graham in City Council.


    Legislative Calendar for April 14, 2021.



    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Adalberto Guerrero.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Aneudy Lara.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Damarys Pimentel.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Daniel Fernandez.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Hector Pina.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Magalys Troncoso.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Maria Joseph.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Nilson Pepen.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Oscar Guerrero.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Patria Sanchez.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Rafael Moscat.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Ramon Santiago.


    Councilors Mejia and O'Malley offered the following: Resolution recognizing Mercy Castillo.


    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Jeremiah Foley, the Foley Family, and J.J Foley Café.


    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing Richard Gormley.


    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing John Gerard Joyce.


    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution in memory of John M. McLaughlin.


    Councilor Flynn offered the following: Resolution recognizing U.S. Navy Capt. Jim Wiltraut.

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