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South End Landmark District Commission

The South End Landmark District Commission will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 5, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. Please note: This hearing is rescheduled from Tuesday, November 3, 2020, in observance of Election Day. (REVISED)

This hearing will be held virtually and not in person. To participate, please go to our Zoom meeting link, or call 929-205-6099 and enter meeting ID 896 7652 3476 #. You can also email written comments to

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. Design Review Hearing

    APP # 20.0418 SE          34 Clarendon Street. Continued from 3/03/2020 SELDC Public Hearing. Proposed work: At the front and rear façade which faces a public street, replace six-over-six wood windows. Postponed by applicant. 

    APP # 21.0024 SE          11 East Newton Street (Tentative - pending subcommittee review). Continued from 8/04/2020 SELDC Public Hearing. Proposed work: At the roof install solar collectors and associated safety railings; at the side elevation install associated piping.

    APP # 21.0022 SE           54-102 West Newton Street. Continued from 8/04/2020 SELDC Public Hearing. Proposed Work: Replace aluminum storefront systems at 25 rowhouses with wood doors, transoms, and sidelights; and replace handrails (modify Certificate of Design Approval).

    APP # 21.0252 SE          12 Concord Square. Proposed work: Construct a roof deck.

    APP # 21.0253 SE          135 Dartmouth Street. Proposed work: Replace a single acorn light fixture/ utility pole with double acorn light fixture/ utility pole and antennae.

    APP # 21.0320 SE           535-539 Shawmut Avenue. Proposed work: Install new signage at the storefront. 

    APP # 21.0250 SE           16 Lawrence Street. Proposed work: Construct a roof deck; replace historic windows. See additional items under Administrative Review.

  2. Administrative Review/ Approval

    APP # 21.0237 SE          62 Chandler Street: At the parlor level of the front façade and rear façade which faces Lawrence Street, replace four (4) one-over-one aluminum windows with one (1) two-over-two and one (1) one-over-one wood windows at the front and two (2) two-over-two wood windows at the rear.

    APP # 21.0319 SE          107 Chandler Street: At the front façade all levels, grind all mortar joins and tuck repoint with new mortar to match historic mortar; repair lintels and sills with repair mortar and repaint to match the color of the underlying stone; scrape and paint cornice.

    APP # 21.0250 SE          16 Lawrence Street: At the front façade all levels, replace five (5) two-over-two wood windows and two (2) one-over-one windows with seven (7) two-over-two wood windows; restore window sills and wash masonry; restore front door. See additional items under Design Review.

    APP # 21.0236 SE          463 Massachusetts Avenue #4: At the front façade third level (below the mansard), replace three (3) one-over-one wood windows with two-over-two wood windows.

    APP # 21.0314 SE          555 Massachusetts Avenue: At the front stoop, repair and resurface brownstone steps, cheek walls, and entry surround.

    APP # 21.0313 SE          557 Massachusetts Avenue: At the front stoop, repair and resurface brownstone steps, cheek walls, and columns; and replace missing baluster trim to match existing.

    APP # 19.0044 SE          501 Shawmut Avenue: At the rear façade second and third levels, remove existing fire escapes and replace with two steel black metal balconies with wood decking and remove one window from each floor and replace with a patio door. Extension of Certificate of Design Approval to expire on 11/06/2018.

    APP # 21.0315 SE          18 Upton Street: At the front façade, replace rotted or damaged wood trim in kind and repaint; scrape and repaint ten (10) windows.

    APP # 21.0310 SE          192 West Brookline Street #3: At the front façade second level (above the parlor), replace one two-over-two wood window in kind.

  3. Ratification of Public Hearing/ Meeting Minutes

    10/29/2020 Subcommittee Public Meeting Minutes

    10/28/2020 Subcommittee Public Meeting Minutes

    10/6/2020 Public Hearing Minutes

    8/4/2020 Public Hearing Minutes – CORRECTED

    8/6/2020 Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

  4. Staff Updates
  5. Projected Adjournment: 7:00 PM
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