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Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Trustees Of The Public Library Of The City Of Boston

A Meeting of the Trustees Fellowes Athenaeum Trust Advisory Committee will be held on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom.

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Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda

    I.    Committee Chair Report

    Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Committee Chair 

    A.    Acknowledgement statement

    B.    Roll call of members

    C.    Approval of Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2024

    D.    Review of FY25 Budget expenditure and carryover amount 

    E.    Program Manager Contract 

    1.    Review of  Candelaria Silva-Collins contract extension (July 1st- August 17th)

    2.    Approval for Candelaria Silva Collins contract for FY25

    3.    Requirements for Contract RFP for the Fellowes Athenaeum Trust Fund Program Manager 

    II.    General BPL Updates 

    Priscilla Foley, Director of Neighborhood Services

    III.    FY24 Programming Recap

    Candelaria Silva-Collins, Program Manager 

    IV.    Review and Approval of 2024-2025 Request for Proposals (“RFPs”)

    Candelaria Silva-Collins, Program Manager

    V.    New Business

    Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Committee Chair

    VI.    Public Comment

    *Please sign up for public comment within the first 30 minutes of the meeting to support effective time management. On occasion, additional public comments on matters formally on the agenda may be allowed at the discretion of the Chair, time permitting.

    Members of the public are also reminded that comments may alternatively be submitted  in writing to the Clerk of the Board for distribution to the Trustees.”

    VII.    Adjournment

    Board of Trustees

    Dr. Ray Liu, Chair, Evelyn Arana Ortiz, Vice Chair 

    Navjeet Bal, Joe Berman, Jim Canales, Cheryl Cronin, John Hailer, Jeff Hawkins, Julie Kim, Jose C. Masso III, 

    Porsha Olayiwola, Senator Mike Rush, Christian Westra, and Lynn Perry Wooten

    David Leonard, President

    Pamela R. Carver, Clerk of the Board

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