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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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KIPP MA Charter School Board of Trustees virtual meeting

The KIPP MA Board of Trustees of KIPP Academy Lynn Public Charter School and KIPP Academy Boston Public Charter School of the Board of Trustees will be holding a virtual meeting on October 28 at 9 a.m.

The conference call line number +1-301-715-8592 and the meeting ID is 604 684 3650# and the passcode is 1234#. For additional information, please contact Annabelle Feliz at 781-600-6451 or

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda
    Time< Topic and Facilitator Materials


    Welcome + introductions

    – Amanda Seider, Rhonda “Nikki” Barnes


    9:15 - 9:35

    Unpacking the beginnings of our Racial Identity

    - Rhonda “Nikki” Barnes, Coretta Martin

    • Discuss our racial identity

    9:35 -10:10

    KIPP MA’s Equity Evolution: How did we go from DEI to Leading for Racial Justice?

     – Caleb Dolan, Eveleen Hsu

    • Share story of KIPP’s anti-racist evolution and equity journey
    • KIPP MA’s Equity Evolution PPT

    10:10 -10:50 

    KIPPMA’s Problem Statement & Strategy to Address 

    – Rhonda “Nikki” Barnes, Eveleen Hsu

    • Review the KIPP MA Problem Statement
    • Understand KIPP MA’s strategy & tactics to disrupt the problem statement

    10:50 - 11:00



    11:00 -11:30 

    Safe and Strong Start: Update

    - Rhonda “Nikki” Barnes

    • Progress monitoring PPT

    11:30 -11:50

    Annual Audit Review

    - Steve Pizzimenti

    • Annual Audit results Documents


    Consent Agenda

    - Amanda Seider, Coretta Martin

    • Outstanding Board of Trustees August and September Meeting Minutes
    • September and October Governance and Compensation Committee Minutes September
    • Finance and Facilities Committee Minutes October
    • Vote on Officers and Committee Chair(s)
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