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Public Improvement Commission hearing

The Public Improvement Commission hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. on February 27.

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda

    Hearing Minutes

    At the request of the Public Improvement Commission staff, the Acceptance of the Minutes of the PIC hearing held on February 13, 2020.

    Utility Pole Hearing

    On a joint petition by Verizon New England Inc. and Eversource Energy for a Pole Relocation within Bernard Street (public way), Dorchester, to relocate one existing utility pole to be located on its easterly side generally at address no. 108, south of Talbot Avenue.

    Public Hearing Continued

    On a petition by TC Systems Inc. for a Grant of Location with lead company status and no participants to install new telecommunication conduit with City shadow within the following public ways in Dorchester:

    • Blue Hill Avenue – generally between Havelock Street and Wilcock Street;
    • Havelock Street – southwest of Blue Hill Avenue.

    (NB 1/30/2020, PH 2/13/2020) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Grant of Location Plan, Proposed Conduit Placement, Blue Hill Avenue at Havelock Street, City of Boston,” 1 sheet dated January 23, 2019.

    On a petition by Crown Castle Fiber for a Grant of Location with lead company status and no participants to install new telecommunication conduit with City shadow within the following public ways in Roxbury:

    • Humboldt Avenue – between Seaver Street and Brookledge Street;
    • Seaver Street – at Humboldt Avenue;
    • Brookledge Street – southeast of Humboldt Avenue.

    (NB 1/30/2020, PH 2/13/2020) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Grant of Location Plan, Seaver St / Humboldt Ave / Brookledge St, (129 Elm Hill Ave), Boston,” 1 sheet dated July, 2019.

    Public Hearing

    On a joint petition by SVF Seaport Owner LLC, WS Seaport L-2 LLC, Seaport L-4 Title Holder LLC, Seaport L Title Holder LLC, 131-149 Seaport Primary Condominium Trust, and Seaport Square Owners’ Association Inc. for a Street Name Change, renaming the entirety of East Service Road, South Boston, located between Seaport Boulevard and Congress Street, to be officially known in the future as an extension of Pier 4 Boulevard.

    (NB 1/30/2020) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Street Name Change Plan, Pier 4 Boulevard, f/k/a East Service Road, Public Way, Boston,” 1 sheet dated January, 2020.

    On a petition by the Boston Transportation Department for the making of Specific Repairs within the following public ways in Dorchester and Roxbury, consisting of curb realignment, roadway, sidewalk and driveway curb cut reconstruction, as well as new and relocated pedestrian ramps, specialty pavement, speed humps, and raised crosswalks:

    • Howard Avenue – between Quincy Street and Dewey Street;
    • Woodcliff Street – between Howard Avenue and Dacia Street;
    • Wayland Street – generally between Howard Avenue and Hartford Street;
    • Magnolia Street – between Intervale Street and Bird Street;
    • Fayston Street – between Blue Hill Avenue and Mascoma Street;
    • Lawrence Avenue – between Blue Hill Avenue and Normandy Street;
    • Creston Street – between Blue Hill Avenue and Normandy Street;
    • Intervale Street – between Blue Hill Avenue and Magnolia Street;
    • Brunswick Street – between Blue Hill Avenue and Normandy Street;
    • Devon Street – between Blue Hill Avenue and Columbia Road;
    • Stanwood Street – between Blue Hill Avenue and Columbia Road;
    • Bishop Joe L. Smith Way – between Washington Street and Geneva Avenue.

    (NB 2/13/2020) As shown on a set of plans entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Specific Repairs Plan, Grove Hall - Quincy Corridor, Dorchester North,” 17 sheet dated February 20, 2020.

    On a petition by the Trustees of Boston University for the making of Specific Repairs within the following public ways in Boston Proper, consisting of curb realignment, roadway and sidewalk reconstruction, as well as new and relocated pedestrian ramps, bicycle facilities, specialty pavement, street lights, street furniture, street trees, planters, bike racks, bollards, stormdrain infrastructure, irrigation infrastructure, and driveway curb cuts:

    • Commonwealth Avenue – on its northerly side at address no. 665, east of Granby Street;
    • Granby Street – on its easterly side north of Commonwealth Avenue.

    (NB 2/13/2020) As shown on a set of plans entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Specific Repairs Plan, 665 Commonwealth Avenue, Public Way, Boston Proper,” 7 sheets dated January, 2020.

    On a set of petitions by the Trustees of Boston University for the granting of a Private Utility License for the installation of new utility infrastructure within the following public ways in Boston Proper:

    • Silber Way – at the rear of 595 Commonwealth Avenue, generally between Commonwealth Avenue and Bay State Road;
    • Ashford Street – at address no. 100, generally between Alcorn Street and Malvern Street.

    (NB 2/13/2020) As shown on a set of plans entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Private Utility License, 595 Commonwealth Avenue, Silber Way, 100 Ashford Street, Public Way, Boston Proper,” 2 sheets dated January, 2020.

    On a petition by ExteNet Systems Inc. for a Grant of Location with lead company status and no participants to install new telecommunication conduit with City shadow within the following public ways in Boston Proper:

    • Berkeley Street – at Commonwealth Avenue;
    • Clarendon Street – at Commonwealth Avenue;
    • Dartmouth Street – at Commonwealth Avenue;
    • Fairfield Street – at Commonwealth Avenue;
    • Hereford Street – at Commonwealth Avenue.

    (NB 2/13/2020) As shown on a set of plans entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Grant of Location Plan, Verizon Fiber, Boston, Commonwealth Ave, Clarendon St, Berkeley St, Dartmouth St, Fairfield St, Hereford St,” 3 sheets dated January, 2020.

    On a petition by ExteNet Systems Inc. for a Grant of Location with lead company status and no participants to install new telecommunication conduit with City shadow within the following public ways in Boston Proper:

    • Somerset Street – south of Cambridge Street;
    • Bowdoin Street – north of Derne Street.

    (NB 2/13/2020) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Grant of Location Plan, Verizon Fiber, Boston, Somerset St, Bowdoin St,” 1 sheet dated January, 2020.

    New Business

    East Canton Street, East Dedham Street; Boston Proper – Pedestrian Easements, Specific Repairs – On a set of petitions by MEPT Harrison/Albany Block Owner LLC

    9 Chelsea Street, 144-148 Maverick Street, Bremen Street; East Boston  – Specific Repairs, Projection Licenses – On a set of petitions by the Linear Retail Properties LLC

    288-304 A Street; South Boston – Grant of Location – On a petition by TC Systems Inc. 

    Preble Street, Old Colony Avenue; South Boston – Grant of Location – On a petition by Crown Castle Fiber

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