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Boston Art Commission meeting

The Boston Art Commission is meeting on February 11 at 4 p.m.

Discussion Topics

  1. Call to order and review previous meetings minutes Mark Pasnik
  2. For Discussion

        a.4: 10 pm--Director’s Report   Karin Goodfellow

    1. Existing Public Art:
    2. In-Process: MFA Gibbs mural expansion, ¡Provecho!update on JP BPL, upcoming RFPs, Paintbox program to re-open
    3. Housekeeping: Introduction of new and pending Commissioners
  3. For Vote

    a.4:30pm--Manning School Entry Marker-Final Design   Ross Miller, Friends group

    b.Gertrude Howes Park- Preliminary Design    Doug Kornfeld, Destiny Palmer

    c.Vine Street Interior Contract Award   Sarah Rodrigo

    d. Public Art and Design Applications: Exit Gallery, Sam Fish   Staff    

  4. Adjournment Mark Pasnik

    a. Lisa Tung and George Fifield complete their term.

    Next Public Meeting: March 10, 2020, 4-6pm, City Hall, RM 801

    Email for any questions.

    All agenda items listed may be voted on or tabled by the BAC. *Applications and presentations listed will be pulled from the agenda if the proponents are not able to submit all needed materials in advance of the scheduled BAC meeting. All applications are to be reviewed for approval, pending property owner permissions.

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