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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Charlestown Neighborhood Council meeting

There will be a Charlestown neighborhood Council meeting on February 4 at 7 p.m.

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda
    • Pledge of Allegiance
    • Roll call
    • Approval of January minutes
    • Election of Officers
  2. Chairman’s Correspondence
  3. Presentations:

    Report - Councilor Lydia Edwards

  4. Open Floor
  5. Committee Reports

    Public Safety

    Report - Ed

    Basic Services / Transportation

    Development Committee

    Report on BPDA neighborhood planning (meeting 1/30) - Nancy

    Spaulding-CNC Community Partnership Fund

    Signed Conflict of Interest papers due - Shelley

    Next set of meetings

    Harborfront Alliance & Lower Mystic Regional Working Group (LMRWG) - Tera


    Proposed change to election schedule to a three-year cycle– Peggy

  6. Old Business
  7. New Business

    Invitations/agenda for March meeting

    Parks and Recreation Commissioner - Ryan Woods

    Mayor's Office of Emergency Management – Ky’Ron Owens

    New YMCA director – Drew Belli

    Upcoming Meetings/Events

    • Navy Yard Haborwalk - Wednesday Feb. 5 at 6:30 pm, Spaulding conf rm
    • Spaulding-CNC Community Partnership Fund Presentations –
      • Monday Feb. 24 at 7pm, Knights of Columbus
      • Tuesday Feb. 25 at 7pm, Knights of Columbus
      • Thursday Mar. 5, at 7pm Knights of Columbus
    • Public Safety Meeting – Wednesday Feb. 26, Hayes Square Police Station
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